This feature saves time and effort by allowing you to easily upload new or changed employee data, without having to start from scratch.
Let's go through the process of updating your Org Chart step by step:
Step 1: Exporting the Org Chart as CSV
First, open your Org Chart and export it to CSV. This will serve as a starting point for your updates.
Step 2: Editing Employee Information
Next, open the CSV file and make any necessary changes directly within it. You can delete employees, add new ones, or modify existing information.
Step 3: Reimporting the CSV
Go back to the settings menu and look for the option to re-import a CSV file. Here, you'll upload the modified CSV file that contains the updated employee data.
Step 4: Confirmation
You'll be redirected back to your Org Chart once you've uploaded the file. That's it! Your Org Chart is now updated.
Efficient HR Management at Your Fingertips
In summary, the integration with CSV reimport is a game-changer for HR professionals, making Org Chart maintenance effortless and minimizing errors that come with manual data entry. This feature simplifies the process for organizations of all sizes, making use of our pre-templated Org Chart Google Sheet, which adds to the convenience. In the ever-evolving world of HR management, it's all about efficiency, precision, and staying ahead. With this innovative tool, you can focus on strategic HR tasks, knowing that your Org Charts are up-to-date and ready to support your organization's growth and development. Embrace the future of HR with streamlined Org Chart updates through CSV reimport, the ultimate solution for modern HR professionals.