We launched the Org Chart app a few years back, making it available on the Google Workspace Marketplace. Initially, adoption was modest: a signup here, another there. But over the months, the app started gaining traction and carving out its own niche within the Google ecosystem. Despite remaining a free tool, we continuously enriched its capabilities.
From the outset, our app boasted user-friendly features like easy CSV imports and seamless Google Workspace synchronization. As time went by, we continued to innovate. Today, we're the only organizational charting app that offers "dotted line" functionalities and infinite custom labels, as well as straightforward exporting and sharing options.
The response has been overwhelming. A diverse array of clients—from corporations and governments to NGOs, schools, and municipalities—have adopted our app not just for creating, but also for publicizing their organizational charts. The introduction of our Pro version last year only solidified our user base, bringing in an influx of paying customers.
We take immense pride in the community we've built around our Org Chart app and are exhilarated to watch it continue to grow and serve organizations globally.
If you're in search of an intuitive, robust, and cost-effective organizational charting solution, we invite you to explore Org Chart. Learn more about how it can meet your needs by visiting our website: orgchart.timeisltd.com.